CHP Weekly Notices

20th – 24th   May 2024


Dates to Diarise:

Thursday, 30th May CHP Slipper Day – CHP & 345 support ‘Reach for a Dream’
Friday, 31st May CHP Fun Afternoon – Further details will be emailed
Sunday, 16th June Father’s Day and Youth Day (Public Holiday)
Monday, 17th June Public Holiday, observing Youth Day
Thursday, 20th June CHP Photo Day – Further details will be emailed
Friday, 28th June School closes for Half Term – School closes at 1:30pm
Monday, 8th July School re-opens after Half Term at 7:00am


This week’s class assembly:  Grade 3P

This week’s Cycle Tests: Thursday 23rd May

  • Grade 7 Afrikaans and IsiZulu




Carlswald Carnival Fun Afternoon

The CHP “Carlswald Carnival” fun afternoon will be held on Friday, 31st May 2024. The afternoon is only for CHP children from Grade R-7. The afternoon will run from 1:30pm-5:00pm, with lots of fun and entertaining activities for the children. Just to name a few: Rocket Launcher, Ferris Wheel, Soccer Shootout, Climbing Wall, Jumping Castles, Duel Stick Gladiator, 12 Seater Swing, Pony Rides, Face Painting and much more! The children will be supervised by the CHP staff from 1:30pm to 5:00pm. All children must be collected by 5:00pm. The ticket bands will cost R150-00 per child for the fun afternoon. TICKET BANDS ARE NOW ON SALE FROM THE RECEPTION.


Slipper Day

Due to the CHP Carnival day happening on Friday 31st May, CHP will be having Slipper Day on Thursday 30th May

Slipper Day in support of the “Reach for a Dream” Foundation. Tickets are R20 and children are allowed to wear slippers to school on Thursday 30th May  if they purchased a ticket.  They can purchase the ticket from their class teacher. The money raised goes to “Reach for a Dream”


Senior Prep Concert Photos – REMINDER

Our Senior Prep concert photos are now available for ordering. These provide cherished memories of your child’s performance and capture the magic of our event. They include a selection of:

  • Photos of the main cast
  • Class group photos
  • On-stage photos
  • Family photos

Please place your orders online at, using the access key 8NULSMRS.


Grade 4 – 7 Girls Winter Uniform

From the start of the second term, the Grade 4 – 7 girls may wear the long blue chinos instead of the tartan skirt as part of their Winter uniform.  This is not compulsory. Girls may still wear the tartan skirt with navy blue tights if they wish. Navy Chinos can be purchased in the Uniform Shop.


Winter uniform: 

Junior Prep Gr R – 3  The school tracksuit, short/long sleeved white shirt or the long-sleeved coloured house shirt for PE.

Senior Prep Gr 4 – 7  Long sleeve, collared white shirt (boys and girls), CHP school tie (boys and girls), Girls – tartan skirts with long CHP socks or woollen navy-blue tights or the long Navy Chino pants.  Boys – long Navy Chino pants,  V-necked Jersey

Please mark and label all your child’s clothingIf your child brings home someone elses uniform, please return to the office or class teacher.  Teach your child to be responsible for his or her own property.  The lost property box is in the aftercare center at CHP.  Please check the lost property regularly.



Term 2 Co-Curricular is in full swing.  The schedule has been emailed to all parents.  Please ensure you know which days and times your child is involved with  co-curricular.   All queries regarding the co-curricular programme as well as the Grade 1 and 2 Integrated Day, must be directed to our Head of Sport, Mr Anthony Lord:


School Fees

All statements for June will be emailed on Friday 24th May.  Please check your email inboxes as well as your Spam and Junk mail.  Please ensure all fees are paid on or before the 7th of the month.  Please note:  If we do not receive your payment by the 7th of the month, a late fee penalty of R500 will be charged to your account if no prior payment arrangement has been made.  Please email Karen Visser if you have any queries:



Thank you to all our families that bring in items to recycle each week!

Please note, children may once again bring in paper and card. We also accept glass.

No tins or plastic are to be brought in.



Weekly Reminders


Uniform Shop

The uniform shop is open Monday – Friday from 7:30am – 12:00pm.  The shop will only open during these times.


Hair – Boys: Please ensure that your son’s hair is short, neat, clean and tidy. No fashion hairstyles such as Mohawks, comb-overs, shave lines etc are not permitted.

Hair – Girls: Please ensure that your daughter’s hair is tied back, neat, clean and tidy. Hair accessories need to be Black, White, Red or Navy Blue


Lunch Programme The children are enjoying the snack and lunch that they are receiving daily.  Lunch is optional for all Grade 1-7 learners.  You can select the lunch programme at an extra charge of R1 100 per month or you may pack your child’s own lunch.  Please email Karen Visser: if you would like your child to be fed at school.

Gr 1-7: If your child is not on the school lunch programme and you are packing their lunch, please ensure that you pack enough lunch for your child.  They will require a morning snack, lunch and possibly  an afternoon snack. NO sweets / takeaways or fizzy drinks are allowed.




Swimming:  345 Swim School: If you would like to enrol your child for swimming please email Karen Visser:


Aftercare: School closes every day at 1:30pm.  Aftercare runs from 2:00pm until 5:30pm and includes an additional snack.  Aftercare costs R1400 per month.  Adhoc aftercare is R180 per day.  A penalty fee of R200-00 will apply for late collection of children after 17h30 and R350 for collection after 18h00. If you would like to enrol your child into aftercare, please email Karen Visser:


Smart Watches: VERY IMPORTANT!  Please note that your child’s smart watch may NOT be used as a communication device at all during the day. The school will also not be held responsible or liable if a smart watch is lost at school.


School Times

School gates open at 06:30

School starts at 07:30

School ends at 13:30

Aftercare 14:00 – 17:30


  • Diaries 2024: Gr 3-7 children received their CHP homework diaries. These diaries must be at school every day. You must check the diary on a daily basis and sign it. You can write any communication to the teacher in the homework diary. If your child loses the diary, R100-00 will be charged to your account to replace the diary.
  • Emails sent from Ed Admin are system generated. Please do not reply to these and rather direct all your emails to
  • The school gate opens at 6:30am. No child may be dropped off before this time.
  • We require a months’ notice to cancel school services, aftercare, swimming and the lunch programme
  • Tuckshop is every Friday. Children may bring money
  • Please ensure all uniform items are labelled and the correct Summer/Winter uniform is worn
  • Lost property is located next to the Aftercare class
  • We are a NUT FREE school. No nut products are to be sent in
  • No Smart watches or cell phones may be brought to school
  • Please ensure all fees are paid on or before the 7th of the month. Please contact Karen Visser if you have any queries: Please ensure Debit Order permission forms have been completed.